1000+ Regular Customers

We care for customers more than ourselves

60+ Professional Employees

No hassle customer service experience

300+ Points Of Sale Goods

The enthusiasm for customer satisfaction never stops

5+ World Class Research Facility

Customer Will Be For You What You Want It To Be.

About Us

Welcome to Automatrix Robotics

Automatrix Robotics has taken on the challenge of addressing the issue of labor shortages. Our company has developed cutting edge robotic solutions to help farmers automate their processes and reduce dependency on human labor. Automatrix Robotics has revolutionized the way industries operate with their advanced technology, making them a leader in the field of automation.

With innovative solutions, our company is paving the way for a more efficient and productive future. we understand the pressing need for labor-saving solutions and have provided businesses with the tools to effectively tackle this challenge. Automatrix Robotics is committed to continuously improving their technology to meet the evolving needs of the workforce. Our dedication to innovation makes us a valuable partner for businesses and individuals looking to optimize their operations.

1000+ Regular Customers

30+ Professional Engineers

300+ Points Of Sale Goods

10+ Awards Won

50+ Products

5+ Research Facility

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Products Categories


Popular Products

Vasudha Agro Products
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Mrittika Soil Application
1.5 ML Per Liter of Water
Canvas Biological Extract
1.5 ML Per Liter of Water

Our Team

Sanatan Biswal
Founder & CEO
Harish mohanty
Co-Founder & Marketing Head

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